The map of pieces of letter in GTA 5

The map of letter parts in GTA5

Pieces of letters in the GTA 5 game

There are a lot of missions in the series of Grand Theft Auto game that are supplemented by different achievements. It will take a lot of time to find them if we will compare it with usual mission. It is difficult to find because you don’t know where each secret is placed. On our web site you can find video and special maps with marked pieces of letters. This method is suitable for those players, who prefer to complete the game on 100% and also for those, who has some difficulties with finding certain piece of letter.

When you visit internet café, you can see one interesting article, where you can read about Leonor Johnson and about that her body has been found. In this article you can also read that her body was disfigured and crime was not disclosed. This situation has caused a huge barrage of criticism against the police. This event happened in 1975.

On the other sites player could read articles about the investigation of the murder and also he will knew that in 1970-s there was a letter written by the man, that has killed the woman.  In his letter he tells us everything that has happened. But in some cases this letter was torned apart on hundreds of pieces and buried on the territory Los-Santos.

Player should collect all pieces of letter. He could do it at any order and using different characters. Only when you collect all the pieces, you will get an opportunity to know something about this film-star. A lot of players liked the idea and when new series of the Grand Theft Auto game appeared, they started to search all the pieces of letter. Right now it is five years passed from the moment, when game had appeared and it is not surprising that the map with accurate location of secrets available for each player. To complete this story you will need to travel a lot and collect all the puzzle of crime together.

Right now you will need to collect 50 pieces of letter to learn something about the murder. Some of them you can find on the following locations:
  1. Third piece of letter is situated on abandoned ship” Oliphantus”, which is situated in the port of Los-Santos.
  2. Seventh piece you can find on the porch of one of the houses, which is situated on the Groove Street.
  3. Another one fragment you can find on the territory of the roller park, namely at the bottom of the pool, in which young people ride.
This method, when you are riding through all the city and finding pieces of letter will help you to explore it from different sides.

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