GTA San Andreas Loading Screen

Meet the new mod for GTA 5! This mod replaces the default boot image GTA 5 on the boot screens from GTA San Andreas. Mod version: 1.0.

To install the mod, you will need to unzip the archive that you can download from the links below.

In the archive is the file "scaleform_frontend.rpf", which you need to copy the game. For this you will need:
- on the Xbox 360:
1) Download the file to a flash drive and go back dev_hdd0/game/BLES01807_INSTALL/USRDIR
2) Replace scaleform_frontend.rpf

- on the PS3:
1) Download the file to a flash drive and go back dev_hdd0/GAMES/BLES01807 [GrandTheftAutoV] / PS3_GAME/USRDIR
2) Replace scaleform_frontend.rpf


Gaming platform PlayStation 3 Xbox 360

 Views: 15.2k
Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/58)
 Downloads: 1.6k

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