GTA 5 Fan Pics: funny pics update

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
Update gallery Fan Pics includes dozens of illustrations, created by the talented players on the motives of GTA 5. Selected the most interesting work. This includes panoramas of the game world, an alternative vision of the main characters, Trevor, Michael, Franklin.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
The stunning panorama sent the player under nick lllsnapmatix. To create his masterpiece he had to hold professional "gluing" a few photos from Snapmatic. At first glance, it is difficult even to imagine what it used 9 photos.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
A dark city alley made and presented in the spirit of the Richards Majestic.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
The heroic image of the main characters, Trevor, Michael, Franklin decided to depict the player TheTomVelez. To enhance the effect perfectly fits the landscape on the border of Vinewood, where all around Shine rays of the setting sun.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
Koldoom successfully recreated cartoons Trevor and Michael. It is immediately obvious that the notions of chaos and greed is closely related with actors. Judging by the comments in social communities, players are very curious what will happen caricature Franklin.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
The project deviantARTist d-woo main characters of GTA 5 have been effectively presented on a single poster. To illustrate succinctly combines the familiar "environment" of the characters, their calm mood and predisposition to chaos.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
Sinister graveyard under snow in Los Santos effectively used player TommySoulier.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
Grumpykara sent this picture on IG as update the collection on the theme of "psychopaths". As usual, without a parody of the main characters was not.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
Their skills in view of the tough nature of Trevor Philips demonstrated the author Ryo-Narushima.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
"Destructive" heroes, GTA 5 can take quite harmless appearance. However, detailed examination, you may notice the ironic vicious characters.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
Never look back and don't stop - this is the main point of the illustration, which was published Furburner.

GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo GTA 5 Fan Pics: update funny photo
A lot of work was invested to create a "live" image. They traced the peacefulness of the countryside and the bustle on the city roads during the establishment of the snow cover.

If you notice a good author image on the GTA, Rockstar or are their owner, it is necessary to share discoveries with the gaming community in the comments to the news or on Instagram, Social Club. Also, the authors can personally send a link to your creations on the official mail Rockstar MouthOff.

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