Bonuses for a race in GTA 5 Online

Bonuses for stunt race GTA 5

In pursuit of easy money can easily lose your head. And that's exactly the case when this phrase may sound literally. After all in GTA 5 Online week stunt racing, where payoffs for winning in the form of GTA$ and RP will be increased in 2 times. This madness will continue until 11 December and during this time, you can make a decent living, but never forget about security, because in the grave you your money no longer needed!

New car on wheel of fortune

Racing this week not only bonuses, but also a prize on the wheel of fortune is a Vapid Flash car GT, which will be a great tool in order to win a major race over rough terrain. The machine is both simple and reliable, and very fast. Can be used as a convenient means of transportation around the city.

Bonuses for stunt race GTA 5

Visit the store casino

So, you make a lot of money at the races and managed not to hurt himself his head. Or you simply won them in the casino. It doesn't matter how it happened - what matters is how you'll be able to spend! And it is very easy to store casino where you will find unique and sometimes quite expensive things. But for such a rich man as you they are likely seem a trifle - but, of course, the rest they will say a lot about your status.

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