Moped alpha v.0.1

Mod alpha v a moped.0.1 for GTA SA.

- The similarity with the real model;
- Correct dimensions;
- Passenger and drivers sit in the correct place;
- Hands on the wheel;
- Made of sticks in the back and the footrest;
the first moped alpha online!

In order to download the alpha v moped.0.1 for GTA SA please follow the links below. After downloading the mod can be installed both on the proposed model PCJ - 600, and to choose any other standard Moped replacement using our installer with automatic installation.

Author N1KIT4
Brand Other
Model Other
Motorcycle type Standard
Model to replace PCJ-600
Replace model files pcj600.dff (4.42mb)
pcj600.txd (1.05mb)

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 Downloads: 3.6k

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