Bus Open Components V3.0

3-I version of the script from KenKing. The essence of it is to open the transport components. Before using, always read the instructions:

The keys on the numeric keypad if NumLock mode is on. '-+ ' press the corresponding key:

1) open all the doors of the bus-' + keys ' and ' 0 '
2) open all the doors except the driver door-keys ' and ' + '. '
3-1) opens the doors of the bus pair of I-' + keys ' and ' 1 ' 4) a 2-pair of doors of the bus I-' + keys ' and ' 2 ' 5) offers 3-I a couple of doors of the bus-' + keys ' and ' 3 ' 6) are 1-2 and I-I a couple of doors of the bus together-' + keys ' and ' 4 '
7) open 2-I 3-I have a pair of doors of the bus together-' + keys ' and ' 5 '
8-1) opens the door of the trailer a couple of bus I-' + keys ' and ' 6 ' 9) 2-I a couple of doors of the trailer bus ' + keys ' and ' 7 ' 10) are 1-2 and I-I a couple of doors of the trailer the bus together-' + keys ' and ' 8 '
11) open the right shutter 1-St and 2-nd pair of doors of the bus (buses of Bogdan ' ' type)-' + keys ' and ' 9 '
12) opens the door of a bus driver-' + keys ' and '-' 13) opens the door to door bus-1-' + keys ' and ' * ' 14) open all the doors of the bus and trailer, except 1 St door bus-' + keys ' and '/'

Author kenking

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