Christmas giveaway Sony PlayStation 4 and GTA 5

Giveaway of the Sony PlayStation 4 + GTA 5 has prepared gifts for their subscribers! From December 15, 2014 January 15, 2015 you can participate in the draw of the Sony PlayStation 4 game GTA 5.

In order to participate in the contest you must meet the following conditions:
  1. To be a member of the group Vkontakte
  2. Repost post about giveaway on your wall
  3. Do not delete the repost from your wall to the announcement of the results of the giveaway
There are 2 consolation prize: mugs with logo

The giveaway will run until the 15th of January. The winners will be determined by the system generate random numbers, namely, the numbers of participants from among shared. Good luck!

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