14 years since release of GTA on GBC

[img="https://cs1.gtavicecity.ru/attachments/4dc09/2013-11/original/d7e2ffa08ab0071ed24bc4d60d9c3f411a4fdc99/1183-gta-gbc.jpg" alt=The First part of the Grand Theft Auto on Game Boy Color"]
14-th anniversary of the release of the first Grand Theft Auto on Game Boy Color
on November 22, 1999, after almost 2 years since the release on the PC, the first part of the Grand Theft Auto was released on the Game Boy Color. Despite the fact that the transfer of the game to the GBC had spent a lot of time, it's not the best way.

Developer Tarantula Games tried to reproduce the entire city from the PC version of the game, and they even almost did. That's the only machine on the roads met not often, and the pedestrians even rarer. There was a choice of character from the list of women and men, but during the game they all looked like some sort of unrecognizable handful of pixels. Repetitive music quickly bored, improper control forced to spent a lot of time to understand even such seemingly small things as car theft. Moreover, to fit the requirements of censorship of Nintendo blood in the game was deleted.

Summing up, we can say that despite the fact that the first attempt was not a success, we remember it cause this is the first experience of R* on portable platforms.

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