In the gang, Karl's brother Sean, sister Kendall and the four buddies.⠀
There is a rival gang-Varrios Los Aztecas, its leader Caesar Vialpando meets with Kendle, so Carl struck up a friendly relationship with him. Subsequently, they fight together with other factions.
Los Santos

Mission 1. In the Beginning
A kind of prologue of history.
After learning about the death of his mother, Carl comes to Los Santos, where he is met by his old enemies two police officers. They take all Carl's money and throw it in the territory of the enemy gang. Get on your bike and go to Carl's house.
Reward: access to story missions.

Mission 2. Big Smoke ⠀
View a long video and get on the bike. You will go to the cemetery, where the Ballas will blow up your car, get on the bike and follow the "big Smoke", you will be pursued. When you get to Carl's house, you can save the game.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.⠀

Mission 3. Ryder⠀
Ryder wants to Rob a local pizzeria, you have to help him.
First it is necessary to go to the hairdresser, follow the prompts. After the robbery, run out, get in the car and take the Rider home.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.⠀
Mission 4. Tagging Up Turf
You need to paint over some graffiti of other groups, in case of problems, deal with them. You can use the graffiti map on our website.⠀
Reward: 200 $ + increase credibility.
Mission 5. Cleaning the Hood
The gang decides to kill the drug dealer. Go to the drug dealer-kill him. Then go to the lair of drug dealers. Enter the building and kill everyone. We can go home.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.⠀
mission 6. Drive-Thru⠀
First, take your friends for a bite to eat. Then you need to destroy auto Ballasov together with Sweet, Ryder and Smoke. Don't forget to bring the brothers home.⠀
Reward: 200 $ + increase credibility.⠀
Mission No. 7. Nines and AK's
Visit with Smoke to Emmett (Ant). He supplied weapons in the old days. Show your shooting skills. Then we go to the Binco store, choose something from clothes in the store. ⠀
Reward: Increased authority, access to stores, the ability to get weapons from Emmett.
Mission No. 8. Drive-By
In this mission, we go to the territory of the Ballas. You need to shoot 4 groups of ballos, from the car window. After hitting the enemies you will get 2 stars Wanted, repair the car and go home.⠀
Reward: 500 $ + Increase credibility.
Mission No. 9. Sweet's Girl
Before the job is not bad to hide the car in the garage of the house CJ. Get a gun, you can take Emmett. After the video, immediately go to the aid of the Retinue. Then you will need a 4-door car, find it and pick up the Suite. Get away from the pursuit and return home.
Reward: increase authority ⠀
Mission No. 10. Cesar Vialpando⠀
Come to the garage and take a Car-Lowrider, now recover to the championship of lowriders. If not with the first, then with the second or the third attempts you manages defeat. Follow the arrows and press the corresponding key on the keyboard (default keys: down - 2, left - 4, right - 6 and up - 8).⠀
Reward: $ 2000, access to Caesar's quest.
Mission No. 11. Home Invasion
Head with the rider to the specified house nearby. You need to steal the boxes from the house. Move crouched, squat, enough time - you need to have time to eat before 6: 00 in the morning. Now take the boxes to the garage-the mission is over and the robberies of houses are available.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 12. Catalyst
Go with Ryder to the train, kill everyone and climb on the train. After that, the train begins to move, the task - to throw him more boxes of weapons in the wheelbarrow Rider. Then go back to your home area. ⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 13. Robbing Uncle Sam⠀
We're dealing with weapons again. It is necessary to Rob an Army warehouse with Ryder. Climb over the fence and kill all the guards. Use the forklift to load 6 crates. Then on the truck go to the yard to the Ant. For you will chase, if you are careful, they will lag behind you on the bridge.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 14. High Stakes, Low Rider ⠀
Win the race on Lowrider cars near the house of Caesar. To perform, find a suitable wheelbarrow.⠀
Reward: $ 1000
Mission No. 15. Og Lok " Bs " ⠀
It is necessary to meet Og loc from prison, and take him home. There you will meet Freddy. Get on the bike and follow him. Catch up and kill Freddy, and all who stand in your way. In the end, take Og Lok to the Pizzeria. ⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 16. Running Dog ⠀
Big smoke goes to the meeting, CJ accompanies him. The deal fell through, catch up and kill a gang member.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.⠀
Mission # 17. Wrong Side of the Tracks ⠀
Bring Smoke to the Station for a meeting. Kill four enemies on the roof of the train. To do this is not easy, jump on the Sanchez and rush next to the train to the right of the neighboring rails. So close that smoke could shoot the bandits, he does not shoot very well.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.⠀
Mission No. 18. Just Business ⠀
Take Smoke to the meeting. Shootout will begin, kill everyone in the room and on the street. Then get on the bike and drive away from the chase, kill everyone you can, and most importantly watch the condition of the car. The chase will last a couple of minutes.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 19. Life's a Beach⠀
Jeffrey wants to throw a party. We need to steal a van with sound equipment. To do this, go to a beach party, go to the DJ and answer all the questions "Y". You will have to score 2500 points or more in the dance. Then the DJ will open the van, get into it and steal. Deliver it to the garage as usual, you are being chased.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.⠀
Mission No. 20. Poems Honey Doga " OL " ⠀
Go to The mad Dog mansion to steal poems. Go into the house from the back entrance. Choose a weapon "knife" and quietly sneak into the Studio Mad Dog. Take the book of rhymes, kill the guard and take the gun with a silencer. Return to Og Lok.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility. Access to C. R. A. S. H. jobs
Mission No. 21. Nuances of management "OL"⠀
First, we steal a car. To do this, crash into it on your car, the driver will come out, kill him and take the car. Repair it and go to the "Show". When you sit down passengers, rush to the pier, jump out of the car at the end of the pier, so that the car flew into the water.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 22. House Party ⠀
Og Lok is throwing a cool party. At the most inopportune moment, the attack of the Ballas, kill them all. The attack will take place in three stages, be prepared.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.⠀
Mission No. 23. Burning Desire
Work for corrupt cops. Pick up a Molotov cocktail. Then go to the house of the Los vagos Gang. First, kill all the enemies, then you need to throw a "cocktail" in the window. When the house catches fire, it turns out that the girl is on fire, save her. Find a fire extinguisher in the house. Take the girl home. She's your friend now.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 24. Gray Imports ⠀
Head to the docks. You need to break the deal and kill the Russian arms dealer. Kill everyone in the warehouses, the dealer go on the run, follow him, do not forget to shoot back. Get on the motorcycle, shoot at the dealer's car from the wet machine, it will explode. ⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.⠀
Mission No. 25. Doberman ⠀
Buy weapons, go to the specified area. There, kill a couple of Ballas to start a war for the redistribution of power in the sector. Destroy all three waves of attackers: 1-all with bats, 2-all with pistols, 3-all predominantly with semi-automatic weapons. In the end, kill the main traitor Ballos.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.⠀
Mission No. 26. Los sepulcros "S"⠀
All the influential Ballas came from the last mission to Gad's funeral. Hire two people from your gang: point the weapon at the chela and aim, press the "G" key. Now we go to the cemetery-time: 3 minutes. Kill everyone there, especially Kane, then return home.⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.⠀
Mission No. 27. Reuniting the Families ⠀
One of the most interesting missions, go to the Jefferson Motel. Sweet will fall into a trap, save his brother. Kill all the cops while you go after him. Once on the roof shoot down the helicopter. Now take the car, you chase, shoot back. The mission ends with a spectacular screensaver. ⠀
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 28. Green Sabre
Caesar will make an urgent appointment under the bridge. Now go to the aid of the Retinue, kill all the Ballas. But suddenly the police appear, the Retinue is arrested, shoot back until Carl is also not tied up. On this mission the initial phase is completed.⠀
Reward: Fall of authority.
Mission No. 29. Badlands
The essence of the job in the murder of a witness, he is in a house on the mountain, where he is guarded by the FBI. Buy weapons and go to the mountains, the main thing is not to shoot the target in the head, it must be identified. The witness will try to escape, catch up and kill him, take a picture of his body and bring the photos to the specified location.
Mission No. 30. Tanker Commander
Meet with accomplice Catalina, she will offer you to earn some money. Steal a fuel Truck, attach a canister of gasoline, and deliver it unharmed to the right place. Study the maps, the roads in the countryside are very confusing. You will be pursued.
Reward: 5000 $
Mission No. 31. Body Harvest
Go to the farm indicated on the crate, you need to steal the Harvester. It is desirable not to break into the main gate, and quietly bypass the farm to the place where he works. For you will be a small chase, deliver the harvester to the specified location.
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 32. The king is in exile. "Cr"
Just watch the video and that's it.
Mission No. 33. Against All Odds
We're going to Rob a Betting shop. Going to the scene of the robbery. First you need to blow up the door, and then the safe. Now leave, but on the street you are waiting for the police and 4 stars wanted, quickly get into the Catalina.
Reward: 2000 $
Mission No. 34. Small Town Bank
Now we have to raise a serious jackpot-Bank robbery. Inside the Bank, kill the guard, then break the ATMs and take the money. Go out the back door. Kill all the cops in your way. Get on a police bike and chase Catalina when she gets ambushed, save her and take her home.
Reward: 10 000 $
Mission No. 35. Local shop.
Now we have to Rob the store. But the store was robbed right in front of you, get on the ATV, kill the robbers and take the money. Then bring Catalina home.
Reward: 1000 $
Mission No. 36. Wu Zi Mu
Find a fast car, you can take Catalina in the garage, and go to the start. In the beginning, try not to fall into the water, in the end, take a shortcut. Win the race.
Reward: 5000 $
Mission No. 37. Farewell, My Love...
Win the race on the car ZR-350. It is necessary to pass the last race, but in the opposite direction.
Reward: Garage in San Fierro.
Mission No. 38. Are You Going to San Fierro?
Run out of the barn, and with the help of a flamethrower start to burn all the cannabis plantations. Then use a grenade launcher to shoot down the helicopter. Get into the van, which you won in the last race, and head to the garage-San Fierro.
Reward: Increase credibility.
San Fierro
Mission No. 39. Wear Flowers in Your Hair
Elementary mission. Move around the points and collect people. Go back to the garage. You will be able to buy a toy store.
Reward: no.
Mission No. 40. 555 We Tip
You'll be asked to frame the district attorney. Go to the hotel. In the underground garage, kill the Valet and dress up in his uniform. On the street wait for the Prosecutor, he will arrive on the green Merit. Get in his car and follow the garage. They'll load the weed into the car. Carefully return to the hotel, do not damage the car, otherwise you will have to go back to the garage. Don't run into the cops. As soon as you get the car back, call the police.
Reward: now you can work as a Valet.
Mission No. 41. Deconstruction
Destroy all the trailers on the construction site. Then bulldozer the toilet with the foreman into the pit, sit in the cement truck and fill it with cement. All.
Reward: access to extreme driving school.
Mission No. 42. Photo Opportunity
Go to the specified place to Caesar. Get in his car and go to angel Pine. It will take a long drive, better and calmer on the highway. On the spot, take a picture of the four faces of the gang leaders.
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 43. Aerial attack. "Z"
Buy zero RC store - $ 30,000. Using the minigun to protect the antenna from radio controlled airplanes. Hold out for three minutes. Shoot down all the planes.
Reward: 3000 $
Mission No. 44. Delivery ways. "Z"
It's simple. Shoot all couriers with the help of a radio-controlled airplane.
Reward: 5000 $
Mission No. 45. The new model army. "Z"
Help the machine ziro drive all the way with the help of a radio-controlled helicopter. Drop bombs on tanks, build bridges, clear the road from barrels. We have to do it in two minutes. Zero's RC shop will now be profitable a $ 5,000 daily.
Reward: 7000 $
Mission No. 46. Jizzy
Watch the video, now you are available missions from Jazzy. Take the girl to the hotel in the Center. Find and kill the brazen pimp. Solve the problem with the girl who drove up, start the chase, shoot the limousine and security, time is limited.
Reward: 3000 $
Mission No. 47. T-bone Mendez.
The goods van was ambushed. Go to the van. There the robbers leave with a load of motorcycles. Kill everyone and take the packages with the stolen drug, bring them to the club jizzy.
Reward: 5000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 48. Mike Toreno
Influential Mike Toreno has been captured. You need to free Toreno. Drive to Dougherty, to the docks, and then to the airport. At the airport, kill all the gang members find the van with Toreno on the signal, then blow up the van. Take the car and go back to the club.
Reward: 7000 $ + increase authority.
Mission No. 49. Outrider.
Go to the car, find the target, pick up a grenade launcher and sit on Sanchez. It is necessary to ensure the safety of the van, clear the road for him.
Reward: 9000 $ + increase authority.
Mission No. 50. Snail Trail
You should kill the journalist and the informant. Pick up the sniper, get on the bike and follow the specified train with them. Keep an eye on them at a distance, when there is a meeting, kill both.
Reward: no.
Mission No. 51. Ice Cold Killa
The time had finally come to deal with jizzie and the syndicate. Go to the club. First, damage the car as much as possible jizzy, but do not blow up. Go on the ramp next to the bridge support, jump on the roof of the club, in the club kill the guard, chase jizzie. Kill him, take the phone.
Reward: 12000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 52. Pier 69
Go to the roof to Caesar, with a sniper rifle protect the triads. Then go down and kill everyone, including Mendez. Chase Ryder, he jumps into the water and swims to the boat. Jump after him, get into the boat and continue chasing him on the boat.You have to shoot him until his boat explodes.
Reward: 15000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 53. Toreno's Last Flight
Now we must destroy Toreno. Go to the helipad, kill all the bandits, take a grenade launcher. Get on the bike and chase the helicopter. You have to shoot down the helicopter.
Reward: 18000 $ + Increase credibility.
Mission No. 54. Back to school. "School"
Go through driving school.
Reward: no.
Mission No. 55. Mountain cloud boys.
Woozy asks me to take him to a meeting. Kill all the enemies there and get in the car. You chase, destroy two cars bandits. The danger for you is a sniper. At the end, take woozy back to the office.
Reward: 5000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 56. Ran Fa Li
Go for the right package to the airport, to the underground Parking. Find a wheelbarrow and get in it. You need to drive it to the specified garage, be careful, watch out for damage to the car and shoot the pursuers on the bikes.
Reward: 6000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 57. Lure
Sit in the issued wheelbarrow and drive in Angel Pine. There you will be chased by two bandits, you have to go fast enough and carefully, the road is dangerous. We need to go through all the checkpoints. After a while you will call Vusi, the mission is over.
Reward: 8000 $ + increase authority.
Mission No. 58. Underwater landing. "W"
Go to the docks, jump into the water, grab a knife on the way. Swim to the tanker quietly, be careful with the searchlights and guards. Climb on the ship, kill all the guards and set the bug, go carefully.
Reward 11000 $ + Increase credibility.
Mission No. 59. The Da Nang Thang
This time it is necessary to shoot the enemy ship from the helicopter. The helicopter is shot down and you fall into the water, while losing all weapons except the knife. Swim to the stairs and kill all the guards, free the refugees. Then go up to the "master" in the cabin and kill him. Go back to the refugees.
Reward: 15000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 60. Yay-Ka-Boom-Boom
We need to destroy the chemical plant. Take the car with explosives and go to the factory. Run over two guards at the gate. The gates will open, go to the factory and Park the car at the tanks. Activate the bomb and escape from the building. In the yard, kill all the enemies and run to the gate. You will get out on a wheelbarrow, make a jump over the fence on it, then return to the garage. Las Venturos is now available to you.
Reward: 25000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 61. Zeroing is completed In
We need to buy a dealership for $ 50,000, and now drive there stolen cars. Go to the garage, pick up the car and the device to track the car. Get the right car and drive it to the garage.
Reward: 5000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 62. Test Drive
Steal two cars with Caesar from another dealership. Follow Caesar and do not make mistakes and do not gain more speed, the cops will not catch you. Then return to the garage.
Reward: 5000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 63. Customs Fast Track
The machine you need is in a container on a cargo ship. Go with Caesar to the docks, climb on the crane and lower the containers. As soon as you find the right car, the owner will appear, kill him and all the bandits, then go to the garage.
Auto import-export is now available.
Reward: 9000 $ + increase authority.
Mission No. 64. Puncture Wounds
We need to find a car that drives around the city. Overtake the car and throw thorns, so as to damage the wheels of the wheelbarrow. The hostess will run away, change the ear and drive the car to the garage. The car dealership has become a lucrative $ 8000 daily.
Reward: 5000 $ + Increase authority.
Desert areas of Las Venturas
Mission No. 65. Monster
CJ has to prove himself in the case. Go through all the checkpoints of the desert track on Monster'e, faster than 6: 30. Often there are problems with this mission. To pass it, put all the video settings of the game on the minimum.
Reward: $ 5000 (1st place),$ 4000 (2nd place), $ 3000 (3rd place), $ 2000 (4th place),$ 1000 (5th place).
Mission No. 66. Highjack
You need to steal a fuel truck. Drive the bike at the same speed as the tractor, hold near the driver's door for about 3-4 seconds. Caesar will jump and defeat the driver. Drive the tractor to the garage.
Reward: 7000 $
Mission No. 67. Interdiction
You need to cover the helicopter. Pick up a Bazooka, climb the mountain and protect the helicopter. When you shoot down all the police helicopters, deliver the contraband to the shelter.
Reward: 1000 $
Mission No. 68. Verdant meadows. "T"
Buy an abandoned airfield for $ 80,000. Go through pilot school.
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 69. N. O. E. "Aerodrome"
Show off your skills. Fly the plane through the checkpoint over Angel Pine and return back. You have to fly low so that the radar can not detect you.
Reward: 15000 $
Mission No. 70. Secluded place. "Aerodrome"
Get on the bike and enter the cargo compartment of the aircraft. Accelerate the bike can be a key rise up, follow exactly the plane. Kill everyone inside, use a knife. To set the explosives, take any dead man's parachute and jump out of the plane.
Reward: 20000 $
Mission No. 71. Black Project
Our old friend asks to steal a certain thing Black Project. Go to the military base. Kill all the soldiers, for convenience, shoot the searchlights. Through the ventilation go down to the base, get to the mine, and take possession of the key card, then with a jetpack get out. Do not forget to look at the corners where hidden health and body armor. Head to the marked point.
Reward: no.
Mission No. 72. Green Goo
Now we have "something" to steal from the train. Head to the train, kill the soldiers and find the green stuff-fuel for the jetpack. Return to the abandoned airfield.
Now the airfield will be profitable $ 10,000 daily.
Reward: 20000 $
Las Venturas
Mission No. 73. Fender Ketchup
Casino Vusi harm mafia groups. Take the issued car and rush along the highway. Scare the bandit tied to the hood of the car, drive, go to the oncoming lane, turn sharply with the handbrake, as soon as the fright indicator reaches a maximum, go to the casino.
Reward: 5000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 74. Explosive Situation
Now it is decided to take revenge and Rob a rival casino. Go to the quarry, go down, jump into a big truck crush them all the boxes of explosives. Kill the person with the phone near the office-the timer will stop. Collect dynamite get on the bike. The path is blocked, follow through all checkpoints and leave the quarry your way. Deliver the dynamite to woozy.
Reward: 7000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 75. You've Had Your Chips
Woozy found fake chips in the casino. Recover to the factory, kill all the guards and destroy the equipment from the shotgun, go to the woozy.
Reward: 10000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 76. Don Peyote
Find a four-door helicopter, and pick up two partners, with them go to the Snake Farm, kill all the bandits there and go with Mekker and the Field in the casino "Caligula".
Reward: + Increase authority.
Mission No. 77. Intensive care. "Caligula's"
Visit Sindacco at the hospital. When you arrive, you will learn that he was kidnapped. Urgently go in search of him. Find the ambulance in which he was taken, kill the bandits. Bring Sindacco to the factory marked on the radar.
Reward: 5000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 78. The Meat Business
Take Rosenberg to the factory. There he will meet, it will not go smoothly. The mission is simple, just kill everyone there and go back.
Reward: 8000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 79. Misappropriation. "C"
Go to an abandoned city, sneak up on the target and kill her, the alarm will go up and you will have to kill the FBI agents, take the briefcase.
Mission No. 80. Madd dogg. "D"
CJ decides to save rapper from suicide. Bring the van and catch it from the roof. Catch Madd dog In the back of a car with boxes, and carefully take him to the hospital. With each collision, his health will decrease.
Reward: + Increase authority.
Mission No. 81. Fish in barella. "Casino"
Watch the video. We need to kill the FBI agent and anyone who wants to take the file. Pick up the dossier and complete the mission.
Reward: no.
Mission No. 82. Freefall
Take the bike, steal the right plane at the airport, and fly North. When you see the plane, make a u-turn. Attach yourself to his tail, fly through the checkpoint. When you find yourself in an enemy plane, kill everyone inside. To complete the mission, return to the airport on this plane and land it.
Reward: 15000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 83. High Noon
We need to get the stolen file to the cops. After kill the corrupt officer Pulaski, go after him and shoot his car.
Reward: no.
Mission No. 84. Saint Mark's Bistro
You need to visit liberty city, fly to the specified point. Just kill everyone in the bar. Dangerous enemies with shotguns. Take this plane back to the airport.
Reward: 20000 $ + Increase credibility.
Mission No. 85. Architectural Espionage
You can prepare for a casino robbery. Go to the planning Department, prepare the camera in advance. You need to take pictures of Caligula's casino plans. Distract the guard by turning off the generator. Take pictures and get out. Deliver the pictures to woozy.
Reward: + Increase authority.
Mission No. 86. Key to Her Heart
You need an access card to the casino "Caligula". Go to the specified point. Chase the stickman, go for it in SexShop. Put on a suit and again follow her to her house. Kill her homeless, pick up the "thing" and go to her. You need to now achieve 35% level relations with Millie, she now your girl and would give you card.
Reward: + Increase authority.
Mission No. 87. Dam and Blast
It is necessary to deprive the enemies of electricity. Fly the plane through the control point over the dam. Jump out and land in the specified location. Go down, pick up a knife, or use a pistol with a silencer. Kill the guards and set the charges in the dam room. Go to the specified door.
Reward: + Increase authority.
Mission No. 88. Cop Wheels
Steal 4 motorcycles from the cops. It is better to take turns: East, West, North, South. Deliver them to the carrier that moves on the highway around the city.
Reward: + Increase authority.
Mission No. 89. Up, Up and Away!
We have to steal an armored van. Go to the military factory. When the gate opens, you slip inside. Kill everyone in the territory, go to the machine gun and shoot down two military helicopters. (the same path can be done by air on the Jack pack without nerves). Now get into a helicopter with a magnetic plate and steal with it the car protection. Now go to the airfield, install the van to the specified location.
Reward: + Increase authority.
Mission No. 90. Breaking the Bank at Caligula's
Access to the robbery mission will open when you take the card from Millie. Go to the casino building. Go to the office, throw a gas grenade into the ventilation, open the gate with the help of the Elevator, along the way kill all the guards and the mafia. Go to the vault, then destroy the generators. When all the money is collected, ensure a safe exit from the building of your partners, distract attention to yourself. Get out on the roof and shoot down the helicopter. Pick up a parachute and jump to the helicopter, which is waiting for you, if you do not doprygnite, take a wheelbarrow. Go to an abandoned airfield.
Reward: 100 000 $ + Increase credibility.
Return to Los Santos (part 2)
Mission No. 91. A Home in the Hills
Mzdd Dogg's mansion is captured by vagos, return it. Jump with a parachute from the plane to the roof of the mansion. The house is under the control of the gang, kill everyone on the roof, go with the triads into the building and clean all the rooms of it from the bandits. Kill the leader of the Mad dog, he will try to escape in a wheelbarrow. The mansion will be presented to you.
DO not stay IN the mansion, all basketballs can disappear, or safes can deteriorate.
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 92. Vertical Bird
It is necessary to steal a fighter from an aircraft carrier in San Fierro to destroy enemy ships. Infiltrate the aircraft carrier, kill all the soldiers and disable the air defense in the tank. Now destroy two fighters, and sit in the third. You will be pursued by a couple of fighters, blow them up with thermal missiles. Then fly to the boats and in the same way destroy them. Go back to the abandoned airfield and land the fighter, put it in the hangar.
Reward: 50 000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 93. Home Coming
Pick up the freed Retinue and bring it home. Kill all the drug dealers and take back the area.
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 94. Beat Down on B-Dup
Go to B Dup'u and punish him, he wanted to put his brother on drugs. Conquer the territory of Glen Park and kill all the guards Dup'a, go to the house.
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 95. Business thugs.
Go to the shooting of Og Lok, he will be afraid of you and try to escape, chase him. When he gets home, talk to him.
Mission No. 96. Grove 4 life.
It is necessary to expand the sphere of influence. Provoke a war between gangs and conquer any 2 areas Idlewood'a. Then bring Retinue home.
Reward: 10 000 $ + Increase authority.
Mission No. 97. Riot
The city starts a rebellion. Take the Suite to grove Street, do not crash on the car.
Mission No. 98. Los Desperados
Help Caesar to protect his district. Hire 2 members of your gang. Go to Unity Station. Kill all the members of the enemy gang in the residential quarter, alley and Caesar's house. We need to capture more than 35% of the territory in Los Santos.
Reward: Increase credibility.
Mission No. 99. End of Line
Part 1
So we got to the last storyline. Go with your Retinue to Smoke's hideout. To enter you will need an APC, take possession of it, it stands nearby. The Tarrant a wall. Kill everyone downstairs and on all floors in the building. You got to smoke, kill Him. Now go back, also killing all on the way, the building is on fire, you need a fire extinguisher, it is in the building, but if you have passed the mission firefighter before, the fire you are not afraid, kill all and get out of the building. Soon the first part of the mission will end.
Part 2
The police officer fled in a fire truck, Sweet for some reason hung on the stairs of the fire truck. Follow them and catch the Retinue, when he loosens his grip, he will jump to you in a wheelbarrow. Shoot back from the cops and bandits, the chase will last a few minutes. Then COP Tenpenny would lose control and fall off the bridge in a wheelbarrow.
Reward: Increase credibility.
Thus, all the storylines are completed, but this is not the end, because there are still many additional missions.