Release port LCS for PS2 in America

Release port LCS for PS2 in America
Port GTA Liberty City Stories (LCS) for the PlayStation 2 was released in North America in 2006 and was among the first. Previously appeared only on the PSP version (2005), and the release port to PS3(PSN) had to wait until 2013.

The cost of the LCS in North America amounted to about $ 20. This price is relatively cheap, as the first three predecessor cost almost 2.5 times more expensive. This nuance has had a partial influence on the formation of a high level of demand. However, the true reason for the success is the idea of story productions, which are characteristic of the whole Grand Theft Auto series.

Release port LCS for PS2 in America
LCS, adapted for the PlayStation 2, does not support multiplayer mode. The ability to play music the user is absent. A GUI is almost identical version of the game for the PSP. These nuances were not good news for individual players, but in General the ports of LCS for PS2 and other platforms have been successful.

Official release LCS for PlayStation 2

Game with elements of "the free world", automotive simulation and three-dimensional shooter was looking forward to for a long time. Developers Rockstar North, Leeds) has made great efforts to produce high quality gaming product in the shortest possible time. The result was not long in coming, and June 6, 2006 in North America is the official release date of GTA LCS platform PlayStation 2.

Above it was mentioned that despite the graphical component and the absence of multiplayer, the game became successful. This is confirmed by sales statistics. Until the end of December 2007 has sold over 1.3 million copies of the game. Such high rates mean only one thing – a commercial success.

It is noteworthy that the port for the PlayStation 2 was not originally planned. However, the interests of the gaming community probably played a role, and the port of the game was born. Has "traditionally" were established age limit from 18" and above according to research by the BBFC, PEGI.

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