How to make money in GTA 4 money

How to earn money in GTA 4

There are several ways to earn money in GTA 4, and we’ll tell you about them right now:
  • Car theft. A few hours later after you deliver Stevie cars from the list, you’ll receive a message that you can supply cars for the garage. For each car you can get $11000.
  • Kill passers. After you will get rid of them, the money will fall out of them. It was in the all parts of games.
  • Work like cops. Steal the police car and find the bandits. For caught bandit you will receive nothing, but if you will kill him, the money will fall out of him too.
  • ATM robbery. Wait for passer near the ATM and as soon as he withdraws the money, ambush him and take away them.
How to earn money in GTA 4

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