GTA IV San Andreas

GTA IV San Andreas
We are all eager to play GTA San Andreas, and let multiplayer, and only the single mission passed back and forth, and many people repeatedly.

What we like? Of course great, not a trivial gameplay. But the graphics of course failed. For 2005, when the game came out, it was good, but everything changes in the yard of the second half of 2011 and would better the more graphic controllers with us today computers do not frail.
Craftsmen from Poland decided to give us the opportunity to play GTA San Andreas with a new, beautiful graphics. The team under the strong name - GTA IV: San Andreas Mod Team, did or not convertible good old GTA San Andreas, a new engine RAGE. This engine as is known, was released GTAIV and all its supplements and prequel.

GTA IV San Andreas
Submit to our judgment resulting restyling GTA San Andreas, developers will be ready by the end of August. Will be released the first beta GTA 4: San Andreas. In an upcoming release of the engine RAGE transferred all textures, effects, characters and more. However, auto tuning, diving under water, haircut, tattoo, support of the bike will be finalized by the team later.
Already today you can see the official trailer of GTA 4: San Andreas.

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