Simple Trainer Version v6.4.0.1 alpha 5

For GTA 4: EFLC versions

The main changes in version 6.4:
-At the very beginning of the game possibly set a 6-level tracing only works when the option "lock wanted level (freeze wanted level).
-In the menu "color car (car color menu) added the ability to generate a random color selection of the vehicle.
-Changed trainer GTA IV with a small delay in the vnutriigravogo menu.
-Updated list of search items (the list contains objects of all three series games of GTA IV), so the game can be created by any object by name or by number. The list was based on data from the site gtamodding, in which several thousand names have been omitted in this version of the list of objects is based on a trainer all IDE files games.
-Fixed bug (appearing in the game in connection with the establishment of large objects) by using a "Workaround", a "Workaround" works automatically and requires no additional adjustment slots, so they were removed. Now, all objects are created with standard size.
-Fixed the problem of vote Brucie and Gracie for episodes TBOGT, vote changed according to the specific episodes TBOGT. Changes relate to and Romana in the episode voices TLAD.
-In the menu "Time (Time menu) added the ability to accelerate the pace of the game (fast motion-fast movement). Additionally, the option of the timeline (set time scale) was renamed to "slow motion-slow motion".
-Creation of the aircraft will now be accessed from the menu "on the name of the model (model name option)
-Added ability to create pedestrian-friendly menu on the name of the model (model name option), "à la carte model 12 (modelmenu 12), the last parameter.
-In episodes TBOGT and TLAD increased up to 60 vehicles list (list of match game GTA IV).
-Added vehicles could be in the MP (Multi Player). Menu added transport was divided into two submenus.

Ini file changes:
Added 20 new slots for episodes TBOGT and TLAD.

Author Sjaak327
ASI Loader require

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