Weapons for GTA 4 0 Submachine gun HK MP7 Devgru 0 Submachine gun HK MP7 Devgru target 0 FN FAL battle rifle 0 Glock 17 self-loading pistol 0 Semiautomatic pistols Kimber 0 Semiautomatic pistols Kimber 0 Semiautomatic pistols Kimber 0 Automatic M4 carbine 0 Automatic M4 carbine 0 Magpul PDR gun 0 Pistol M1911 DFMS 0 Automatic SIG SG 552 Commando 0 Walther P38 Pistol 0 Automatic HK416 0 The M16A4 assault rifle 0 The M16A4 assault rifle 0 Winchester 1887 shotgun 0 HK USP Pistol Match 0 SIG-Sauer P226 Pistol 0 MP7 submachine gun