Weapons for GTA 4, page 9 0 Ружьё Franchi SPAS-12 Chrome 0 Gun Franchi SPAS-12 Dots 0 Gun Franchi SPAS-12 Fall 0 Gun Franchi SPAS-12 Gold 0 Ружье Franchi SPAS-12 Graffitti 0 Gun Franchi SPAS-12 Hex 0 Ружье Franchi SPAS-12 Blue tiger 0 Ружье Franchi SPAS-12 Red tiger 0 Ружьё Franchi SPAS-12 Red urban 0 Ружьё Franchi SPAS-12 Woodland 0 The submachine gun HK MP5 Fall Camos 0 Semi-automatic pistol Kimber Fall Camos 0 Automatic rifle Colt M4A1 Fall Camos 0 The submachine gun UMP45 Fall Camos 0 Riot shotgun Remington 870 Fall Camos 0 Ружьё Benelli M3 Super 90 Fall Camos 0 Semi-automatic pistol Kimber 0 Semi-automatic pistol Kimber