GTA 5 tightly played the theme in the use of expanders of consciousness. Michael, for example, in the evening loves kiss the bottle of whiskey, Franklin prefers to use a Bong, and Trevor loves in between chores to smell a Cup or two of gasoline. All of these harmless computer games do not bring into play nothing special, except for slight fading of the screen and incoherent speech of the characters. However, the developers added to the game and something more interesting: finding and eating the peyote cactus (who cares, it's Lophophora williamsii) in GTA 5 you can turn into 27 different species of animals. The list includes dogs, cats, and various wild animals, birds and marine creatures, almost each of which has unique abilities.
Intriguing, isn't it? How to turn into an animal in GTA 5? Everything is quite simple: as mentioned above, it is enough to find in the vast game world the Lophophore ('s so neat cactus, decorated with white flower) and consuming it. Plants scattered all over the island, sometimes in the most unexpected places, even under water. Of course, for meticulous players this is no problem.
The world of GTA 5 is so big, and the right plant is so small, but our map, where we carefully noted the location of each peyote will help you to reach all the magical cactus, growing in the districts of Los Santos and blaine. Incidentally, a detailed description of all 27 species of animals available and the feature of the game for each, also added, to make it even easier for you. Another important point: in order to change back, just to die. Get hit by a car or run into the police, fear not – once the animal (ie you) will die, the hallucination will end, and your character will remain intact, except that only with a slightly buzzing head. Well, just hold "E". By the way, you may get lucky or may not be lucky to find all available animals as "turns" you accidentally.
Map location Lophophore for transformations
On this map indicated all scattered around the island, a hallucinogenic cactus-peyote, in which the player can turn into different animals. Mechanics of random transformations, except that using cactus growing under water, you will definitely become a marine animal or fish, but if the one that grows on land in animal or bird.
How to become a dog in GTA 5
Friends of man, able to run fast, wag her tail and bite. If during a peyote trip you suddenly turn into a Rottweiler, don't forget to test the sharpness of their fangs on any unwary passer-by. And if you become a pug or a tiny Terrier, you will be able long to be touched, looking at their puppy dog faces. The majority of dogs, the one that really is able to kill man, great bites and runs fast, so even if you decide to arrange the streets are a mess, the police will be not so simply to get rid of you. Learn more about each dog, below.Shepherd

This dog, of medium size, was anciently used as a herding dog. Hence the name. In the game, apparently, presents one of the varieties of collie dogs or collie. The animal is large and can attack, so you will be able to chase rabbits in the woods or for people on the streets. But don't think that should become a shepherd, and you are immortal – it will be enough for you and a couple of bullets.

This name is probably familiar to everyone. One of the oldest breeds of dog, bred in ancient times as sled, indigenous peoples of the North Siberia, where, in the twentieth century, has spread almost worldwide. As a Sheepdog, it is quite large and strong dog and can make a decent chaos in the hands of a bored player. To turn into a husky can eat any peyote, land-based.

Also quite well-known breed of dog bred as working dogs: guard, guide or rescuer. Probably everyone of seen this at least once in your life. It is worth noting, by the way, what exactly this dog is one of the most beautiful models of all the animals in the game. And only GTA 5, along with mescaline given the opportunity to turn into a Labrador!
Eskimo dog

This is a faithful hunting dog, his erect ears, hair and growth resembling a wolf, since ancient times, humans use for big game hunting. Most turn into Laika can in GTA 5, using one of hallucinogenic cacti scattered across the map.

Small decorative dog, for centuries, the former a living toy for the nobility. Rockstar Games gave us the opportunity to turn into a pug to feel in his shoes. Kind and affectionate, with unbearable sweetly funny face and curled tail, this dog is completely harmless and in our game can only run and wag his tail.

Squat and powerful dog, originating from the German city of Rottweil. A kind of Goliath among dogs, her appearance alone immediately makes remember strachenyh teeth and powerful jaws that are able to eat a small log. Rather just eat regular peyote and turn into a Rottweiler, and you will be able to break away from the soul on unsuspecting people. The only pity is that its skin is not able to stop bullets.

Nice face, short, neat fur and fun sticking out to the sky ponytail. Talking about this dog, it is simply impossible not to use diminutive suffixes. Most likely, this is scatterer, and as pug, he did not have any aggressive actions. If you will be able to turn into a Terrier, it is unlikely to bring you much fun. Well, except for promisees a bit.

Dog performing primarily a decorative function. Is the world's most widespread breed of dog and at the same time, and still one of the most savvy. Well, since dog decorative, if it turns out to turn into a poodle, to use its teeth for its intended purpose you will definitely fail. But look at the beautiful model.
How to become a bird in GTA 5
Always wanted to see Los Santos from the height of bird's flight? Dreams can come true. Magical, full of fresh mescaline cactus-peyote will make available to you the body of a pigeon, crow, Seagull, hawk, cormorant, and chicken. Does not fly, it is not difficult to guess, only chicken. But all the flying birds, in addition gracefully and majestically outstretched wings, there is a terrible weapon: litter. Surely every player will be happy to train in dot bombs were dropped on the heads of passers-by. Only fly careful, do not hit.Chicken

Yes, the most common domestic hen (because the wild chicken is a hen), can not fly, only runs, fun rearranging their short legs. And she knows how to crow. Incredible! Definitely the most boring bird of all, to whom you can turn the peyote cactus. Rather questionable desire to turn into a chicken, now you can implement in GTA 5.

Majestic winged predator, which will give a drive, if you're lucky. Just look at his proud profile and widely outstretched wings. He's really beautiful! Sadly, of course, to attack in our game he can only droppings. That, however, is funny, worth it to turn into a hawk.

A resident of the shores, banks of rivers and lakes, distributed nearly worldwide. GTA 5 is able to drop on the heads of unsuspecting pedestrians deadly manure bombs. For this, perhaps, is to become cormorant. However, to learn how to get them is not so simple, but really this is a serious problem for a real gamer?

Black as night, wings, deep, almost intelligent, eye sight and sharp piercing voice of the Raven is a bird that leaves a lasting impression one of its kind. Its very name is associated with something mystical and evil. And yet, this is one of the most intelligent birds in the world. To turn into a crow's quite easy, along with our detailed instructions.

Or, as some call it, the "winged rat". And absolutely nothing, by the way. Ordinary pigeons are very intelligent creatures, at least much smarter than their wild relatives. As the saying goes, out of sight. In GTA 5, the dove can only defecate on people's heads. Better than nothing, though. To turn into a dove – another weird fun in GTA 5. That's why we love her

Predator of the sea, in nature, feeding on fish, but in reality all that will fall under the grasping beak. These birds are so arrogant that they can, as if nothing had happened, to try to steal food right from your hands, thus, am not afraid and do not hesitate. Bird completely without complexes. Someone must like it to turn into a Seagull.
Sea animals for turning in GTA 5
Of the fish here are sharks, stingrays and, in fact, fish, and all the rest: killer whale, dolphins are marine animals. And most of them are predators, so this opens up a great opportunity to hunt the unfortunate fish swimming among the coral and seaweed. And if you're lucky, you can dine and accidentally swim too far from shore by a bather. You're a predator, for you to take? By the way, the animation of the movement of all animals at the highest level, as if real. Only one inaccuracy: sharks can't just pull over and stop, their gills are arranged so that they can only breathe while driving.Dolphin

Well, who doesn't know about dolphins? This marine mammal is known for its outstanding, among the animals, mental abilities. For example, they have their own language, calling each other by name and is able to analytically plan their actions. Things almost unprecedented for the animal world. To turn into a Dolphin, this is a great chance to feel yourself in the place of this beautiful animal, even in a video game.

The most common fish, not even a sign of the zodiac. Once you manage to turn into a fish, you will only be able to swim and look around stupid fish eyes. No you're offered, even to bite, and we don't know how! However, for the collection of screenshots well be amiss.
Killer whale

This sea monster is one of the most feared predators that inhabit the oceans of the Earth. She hunts and kills almost everything he sees, and in the sea it has no competitors. Not without reason in English it's called "killer whale – the killer whale. To turn into a whale can use one of the peyote, growing (duh!!) at the bottom of the ocean.
Hammerhead shark

Or, put another way, hammerhead, probably familiar to everyone due to the characteristic shape of the head. This predator is potentially dangerous to humans and definitely dangerous for a variety of marine life that inhabit the waters of Los Santos. GTA 5 provides the ability to turn into a hammerhead and experience her life on myself.
Tiger shark

This is the most widely distributed species that is distinguishable by the characteristic "tiger" markings on the back. By the way, the game features a fairly small instance, actually these fish can grow up to 3.5 meters in length. To turn into a tiger shark is an excellent idea, if you want to feel like a storm coastal reefs of Los Santos.
Sting ray

These strange, as if flattened creatures that dwell around the globe, in the seas and lakes, in shallow water and huge depths, in the Kingdom of eternal darkness and the terrible pressure. Besides, some of them are very delicious, you should definitely try. In GTA 5, of course, turn into a Stingray can be quite safe – no you wouldn't eat it.
Other animals to turn in GTA 5
The second category is available for making animals. Here we have to deal not only with perfectly-yourself homemade cows, pigs and cats. You can turn, for example, in the coyote, which is not hard to confuse the dog, if not a dirty-gray color, leanness and predatory face. Or, better yet, you can be a Cougar. Watch great realized the movements of this graceful cat. And the speed at which running deer, you will be simply amazed! A more detailed description of each animal is available below.Boar

Huge wild pig, once terrifying forebears, and represents a serious threat even for modern hunters with firearms. Hardy, strong, fast and fierce, this creature is able to effortlessly kill a man. However, the game presents, apparently, an American relative of our, Russian boars, not with such impressive fangs and smaller size. But still, looks very seriously, so all searches are to turn into a boar.

The most common, furry, with a tail and whiskers. By pressing the attack can paw to scratch behind the ear and wash. 's all he has, isn't that a pretty fast runner. And to do, playing for the cat is, in fact, and nothing more. However, in order to save a couple of unusual screenshots you can take time to turn into a cat.

Standard Bessie, are equipped with huge Tits and a pair of sharp horns. Moos is quite natural and knows how to butt hurt. Although this animal is peaceful and the people are usually not attack if the player manages to turn into a shelter, it is completely capable to transform into a weapon. However, as it does anything. We you know.

Like a dog, fast, agile and angry as the police on five stars. In fact, this is the wild dog, and made friends with the person. Root, among other things, a resident of the desert where people have built Los Santos. This is a dangerous wild animal that can kill humans in just a few clicks. So, if you want to turn into a coyote, use it with caution.

Timber handsome, tall branchy crown of horns. Believe me, if you get to turn into a deer, you will be surprised at the speed with which rushes the beast. There is not even any motorcycle theft. With all this deer there and grace. With the GTA 5 creating miracles, making all the movements, from hoof to tip of tail, almost indistinguishable from reality.

Even carnivorous cat found in the Americas. This is a real killing machine, armed with an Arsenal of claws and fangs and unattainable for human dexterity and strength. Besides, she really is breathtakingly beautiful. If, after having cactus, you have got to turn into a Cougar means it's time to hunt.

Yes, this is the most common domestic pig. Big, fat and loud grunting. It is in such and grow sweet little pink piglets. Of course, it is completely harmless. What to do with it, being "in charge", even we can't tell. Now, to turn into a pig, it is not necessary to drink a lot and don't wash, you can just play GTA 5.

A small animal known for its long ears and cunning that allows him to avoid many predators. When you manage to turn into a rabbit, all you can do is run around and scratch behind the ear. The only thing that hare is remarkable, it is a beautiful model and animations, however, that in GTA 5, it seems that no one is offended.