Undress your character in GTA 5

How to remove clothes in GTA 5

In Grand Theft Auto 5 the developers paid a lot of attention to customization and personal style development. For that purpose, dozens of clothing shops were put throughout the map of Los Santos.

A huge selection of outfits and accessories allows players to create their individual look or a prototype of a real person.

In GTA 5 Online this feature becomes even more valuable since there may be thousands of players online at the same time, so you need to have an original outfit to stand out from the crowd of identical characters.

Nude character GTA 5
Many wonder, “How to remove clothes in GTA 5?”. It is worth mentioning that you cannot remove all clothes from your character as this feature is not provided by the developers. However, it is possible to strip down to your underwear by using your wardrobe or by going to the nearest clothing shop. Here you can make your character wear nothing but underwear.

How remove your clothes in GTA 5
If you still decide to remove all clothes from your character, you can use certain mods. You can find them at any GTA 5-themed website.

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