How to play zombie-apocalypse in GTA 5

Zombies in GTA 5

Since the release of the game Grand Theft Auto took a lot of time, so most of the gamers are losing interest in it little by little. Developers by all the sorts of ways are trying to revive it, introducing new additions and features. After the release of GTA Online, the number of players has increased again, and different modifications and special additions to the game cause the rising interest of GTA 5 fans.

Zombie Apocalypse in GTA 5
Many of people want to know how to play GTA 5 Zombie Apocalypse. This theme is very popular among gamers, so it is not surprising that the most of them are interested in the opportunity to play against this kind of characters.

Zombie attack in GTA 5
The most correct option for it is to download a mod that changes the skins of the surrounding bots in the game for zombie dead. The best zombie-mod is called Simple Zombies. There is nothing difficult to install it, so immediately after downloading, start the game and choose the most interesting features and functions of the modification. For a more frightening atmosphere, you can turn off all the electricity in the city. This is possible in the mod menu after pressing F10.

GTA 5 Zombie mod
By downloading this mod, you will rediscover the game GTA 5. After all, you have to destroy an army of the dead.

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