How to sell a jetpack in GTA 5 online

To sell the jetpack in GTA 5 online

With new upgrade «judgment day» jetpack had been added to the game. After the sense of the euphoria players began to ask questions how to sell jetpack in the GTA 5 online? The answer was on the surface: it is impossible to sell jetpack in the game. What should player do in such situation? Right solution is not to buy it if you are going to sell such expensive thing in future.
Flying on a jetpack

Your actions, when you don't need jetpack

Variants of using any simple thing can make it much more interesting. The same thing might be done with your jetpack.  If you are tired of flying, you can do following experiments:
  • Jump together with jetpack from plane
  • Surprise everyone by low flights over the road
  • Arrange a race on jetpack together with friends
The jetpack in GTA
There are a lot of ways, how you can use this flying vehicle. When you have learned how to use it in different ways, you can understand that this thing is not boring and it is not necessary to get rid of it, because this thing may become boring to you. But after a while you may be interested in it again. Think about your actions and don't waste money on everything.

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