How to make a celebrity in GTA 5 online

A celebrity in GTA 5

Adding a full-on multiplayer experience to the game allowed Rockstar to pay more attention to the RPG aspect (role-playing game). Players can now create unique characters via special character creator in GTA Online. We’re going to look at some of the more interesting features of the character creator and show you how to make a celebrity-looking character in GTA 5 Online.


Bride of GTA 5 Online
  1. Heritage – a unique factor that makes the creation aspect special. This defines the base of your character. You need to choose which parent your character is going to resemble the most. It’s critical to have both parents look attractive in order to make a good-looking character.
  2. Lifestyle – a role-playing element, which defines your starting skills and the priority at which they level up.
  3. Facial features – a set of classic creation tools that allows you to change your character’s face. This part is the most important if you want to make your character look like a celebrity. You’ll have to spend some time on that one as it’s not an easy task to accomplish.

Interesting facts

A famous character in GTA 5
In the Collector’s Edition of the game there is a possibility to choose as parents characters from the previous GTA games, such as Niko Bellic, Claude or Misty. John Martson from Red Dead Redemption can also be chosen as a parent.

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