How to create session in GTA 5 online

How to create a new session in GTA 5

Sometimes it happens, when you enter on the server, you are killed in several minutes, your nerves are nerves on edge and you want just to turn off the game. Due to the functions of the game there is an opportunity to create your own session to play alone, invite your friends or band. In this small article we will tell you how to create your own session.

How to create a new session in GTA 5
To create required session you will need to achieve two simple points:
  1. Launch GTA 5 (single player game)
  2. Press ESC button
  3. You will see small window, where you will need to choose "network"
  4. Choose “play GTA online”
  5. Create required for you session
You will see a window with different types of sessions. We will try to explain to you, what server to create, if your eyes scatter and at glance you can’t understand what server to create.

How to create a new session in GTA 5
  1. Session by invitation – session is creating and you can invite there other players.
  2. Session of the band – you play together with your band and other bands could join to you.
  3. Closed session of the band – you and your band could take part in it.
  4. Closed session for friends – you and your friends could enter this game by invitation.
  5. Single session – only you can play on the server. Nobody will disturb you from completing missions and having fun in the gaming world.

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