The performance test in GTA 5

How to run the benchmark test in GTA 5

In GTA 5 to run performance test

Many players want to know how to run benchmark tests in GTA 5 In order to do that, do the following:
  • Launch the game.
  • Go to Options > Graphics.
  • Press TAB to run benchmark tests.
Keep in mind that you must complete the first Franklin mission for the benchmark test to work properly.

How to run the benchmark test in GTA 5
What you should do before running tests:
  • Make sure that all graphics settings are chosen correctly.
  • Choose an average value of FPS for more accuracy during the test.
  • Try different graphics cards (if you have more than one).
  • Play with resolution and texture resolution settings.
  • Also, try different AA settings as well as turning FXAA and MSAA x4 off.
You’ll be able to see the results right after the test. They’ll also be saved in My Documents\Rockstar Games\GTА V\benchmarks.

How to run the benchmark test in GTA 5

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