Map of the millitary objects in GTA 5

Military map

Gaming map in the fifth part of Grand Theft Auto game is considered to be one of the most elaborate and extensive among games of all genres. Large quantity of locations, buildings and nature landscapes – everything of it you can see on the territory of the map. Gamers should spend hundreds of hours to learn all the places and get all the achievements. Most of their time gamers spend trying to study the gaming area but no to complete the mission.

Besides completing the missions there are a lot of ways how you can spend your free time in the game:
  1. Driving on fast cars.
  2. Shootings with police.
  3. Visiting of different entertainments in the city.
  4. Studying of interesting and inaccessible places on the map.
Military base in the GTA 5 game is just a similar place. It is not enough to find this base, you should also have an opportunity to enter on its territory. First of all, you should buy different types of weapon, because the base is under security. It is also recommended to enter on this base, when your character is fully upgraded.
As a rule, your main aim when you assault military base is to get rare automobiles. Apart from SUV and tank here you can also find very rare P 966 fighter, military helicopter Buzzard, that is equipped with two rocket launchers and machine gun.

Military base in the GTA 5 game is situated from the side of West coast. It is not very hard to find this base, because there are no notable buildings nearby. When you will reach the base on the aircraft, you will be attacked.

This base might be called one of the most interesting and at the same time hardest to get locations in the game, where you can check your combat skills and get rare vehicles.

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