Gameplay GTA SA and GTA V trailer

Gameplay GTA SA and trailer GTA V

Of course, first of all GTA 5 began to compare with GTA: SA.

A fellow of the British PlayStation Magazine announced the launch of the new list of rumors about an upcoming GTA V. told us That guy (I advise you to write, so then compare with the game):

1. Game world (Los Santos mountain and rural areas) will be 4 times more liberty city in GTA 5.
2. Make full animation climbing, mountaineering, diving etc.
3. In the game fauna will represent not only dogs, but also cattle. However kill them, most likely, will not be. This function is a RDR to emphasize the atmosphere of the Wild West.
4. Will be a lot of internal premises. For example, College, hospital, police station. Just talk about the entire sewer system under the city. And mission related to sanitation, already invented: there will be a drive (water?) motorcycle riding and jumping into the waterfall.
5. NPCs will Jogging, by a show of gravity in the halls (including open), mend the fence, shopping, running around the house and much more.
6. Cars can be repaired and tuned. Along for the ride you will need to fill the fuel.
7. That would undermine the car shot, you will need to shoot the tank and the second shot at the jet petrol from the tank.
8. Return RPG part of the game. Like in GTA: SA. This mass of a body and muscularity, and endurance etc.
9. Children will not, and people can use as a human shield or take a hostage.
10. When entering the room, you can close the door and забаррикадировать her pieces of furniture.

Well, and then in a similar manner. And we can be satisfied only with such news.

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