Update the fan art GTA 5

Update the fan art GTA 5
Grand Theft Auto 5 continues to inspire talented players to new creations. Last week the editorial office Rockstar received dozens of new works. The main emphasis players did on alternative representation of the characters GTA 5. Frequent and mapping of the virtual world with reality, movies and comics. We shall familiarize with the work of creators and more.

Update the fan art GTA 5
Talented artist AmandaLeab worked on his illustrations to GTA 5 for several weeks. Of all the work she chose the most interesting creations with the participation of Trevor and Franklin.

Update the fan art GTA 5
Looking at the illustration, many players can confidently say that it refers to the competitive works Snapmatic Cargobob and represents a snapshot of the user's screen. In fact, the figure for GTA 5 was created manually.

Update the fan art GTA 5
Interesting illustrations from the series "Monkey Business" were sent from Brazil. They are modifications of the original creation called "H8orSaints".

Update the fan art GTA 5
Inspired by the main characters and ordinary citizens in GTA 5 user Kuhenko created his next creation. The illustration shows ordinary people in different emotional state, which is difficult to call friendly. The author left the opportunity for other players to choose their own colors. The most fast it is to happen when using black and white translucent illustrations.

Update the fan art GTA 5
Update the fan art GTA 5
The user takendo managed to unite two main Hobbies are playing GTA and reading comic books. Presents illustration is only one of many works of the author. In a basis of the creative subjects laid unusual situation occurring with Michael, Franklin, Trevor.

Selection and publication of the best works from the series "Fan Art GTA 5" continues. They are published on the official pages Rockstar, and the authors are recognized in the gaming community. Every talented user can get the opportunity to share the work done with other players by sending an application to the editorial Board Rockstar on MouthOff.

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