Releases 2013: GTA 5 for PS3, Xbox 360

Release 2013: GTA 5 for PS3, Xbox 360
the fifth Release GTA for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 took place in autumn 2013. Simultaneously with this event came out of GTA Online, allowing users to play multiplayer.

GTA 5 has become one of the most ambitious and large-scale developments of the company Rockstar. In the magazine "Gambling" she was awarded the nomination "the best game of 2013". The process of creation and implementation of 3D-shooter was constantly under the watchful attention of the media. The event has repeatedly publicized on television.

The implementation of such a large-scale project creators and sponsors of the huge financial investments. On the development of the game was spent more than $ 250 million. This amount exceeds the budget spent on filming "Avatar."

Release 2013: GTA 5 for PS3, Xbox 360

the Official release of GTA 5 for PS3 and Xbox 360

17 September 2013 GTA 5 for PS3 and Xbox 360 came into the mass market. Access to the gaming world got users from all over the world. On obtaining the necessary permits in different countries, the developers have taken care of in advance.

In connection with the maximum closeness of the game world to the reality on GTA 5 was established age limit "18+". It was imposed by an independent rating PEGI system.

The main publisher of the game was the company Rockstar Games. Game localization for Russian residents were engaged in the company's specialists 1C.

The demand for the fifth GTA was formed before the official release. Players are provided the opportunity to make reservations on the Internet to be the first to get the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the legendary game.

The overwhelming share of the sales of GTA 5 is on orders over the Internet. Because of the huge number of people willing to buy the game server online stores through which formed the orders were overloaded. Many players were forced to wait several days to obtain the distributions. Expectations were fully justified, because the developers work hard on the storyline and graphics.

Release 2013: GTA 5 for PS3, Xbox 360

the Graphics in GTA 5 for Xbox 360 and PS3

The developers tried to bring the game world of GTA 5 to reality. This was used modified graphics "engines" RAGE, Face FX and Euphoria. The last two are intended to improve the animations.

In the end, the developers were able to achieve detailed texture mapping, increase the distance rendering of the virtual world, to make movement around the city more vibrant and to increase the maximum screen resolution.

Graphical perception of virtual reality significantly enhances modernized "artificial intelligence". Pedestrians, police, and other secondary characters started to behave more naturally, performing the same actions as the main character. They can arbitrarily arrange dismantling, steal cars, parties, and perform other actions.

the Storyline of GTA 5

The terrain of the game world was recreated from an actual city. It was Los Angeles, a well-known game series GTA as Los Santos. Players traditionally have to participate in the life of the criminal world, performing primary and secondary missions. Significant changes were made two points: the number of characters and the final part of the storyline.

Players first became available three main character. They are Trevor, Michael and Franklin. Switching between the main characters is at the user's request or automatically as part of the script.

Release 2013: GTA 5 for PS3, Xbox 360
The storyline can be completed in three different variations. In the first case will die Trevor, the second Michael. In the third case will unfold serious confrontation. Will be involved all the main characters, FBI, Leicester and air aviation.

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