Shift the release date of GTA 5 PC

Shift the release date of GTA 5 PC
Output port of Grand Theft Auto 5 for PC is scheduled for the end of March. Became known the exact release date - 24.03.2015 year. Published new screenshots.

Active discussions players hardware requirements completed their computers. The developers have published the minimum and maximum system requirements for GTA 5 for PC . In anticipation of the upcoming release of the players will have time to properly prepare the game console.

Recall that the original release of the game was planned for January 27, 2015. Shift dates was due to the need to test the game for several weeks and to correct possible deficiencies.

GTA Online PC support up to 30 players will be launched simultaneously with the release of the new port of GTA 5. Players will immediately become available functionality GTA Online Heists.

Screenshots games

Below are screenshots of the updated world of GTA 5 that will allow to realize significant visual improvements and the depth of the storyline.

Shift the release date of GTA 5 PC
Visualization of Los Santos and Blaine moved to a qualitatively new level. GTA 5 for PC is supported image quality 1080p, frame rate is 60 switches per second. It is noteworthy that the maximum picture resolution is 4K, and visual engine supports up to 3 monitors and NVIDIA 3D VISION.

Shift the release date of GTA 5 PC
GTA 5 for PC along with other advantages include a new graphical editor. It allows you to create professional videos and immediately post them on the YouTube channel, pages Social Club.

Shift the release date of GTA 5 PC
Shift the release date of GTA 5 PC
Shift the release date of GTA 5 PC
Support such high graphics capability implies the existence of a fairly productive equipment.

System requirements GTA 5

The game runs only in 64-bit Windows operating systems 8, 7 SP1, Vista SP 2. Sound card must fully support DirectX 10. On the hard disk must be reserved a minimum of 65 GB of memory.

Minimum requirements imply the use of RAM at least 4 GB (8GB recommended), Intel or AMD multi-core architecture and frequency of 2.4 GHz.

In connection with significant graphical improvements in GTA 5 special attention should be paid to the graphics card. At least, you will need card NVIDIA 9800 GT or AMD HD 4870 1 GB. However, for best performance it is recommended to use AMD HD7870 or NVIDIA GTX 660 2 GB.

You should consider that a separate integrated chipsets and AGP video cards may not be compatible with the new software. Detailed information about the compatibility of specific equipment with the gaming environment can be found in the official service support Rockstar Games. In the process of the release of updates for the port of GTA 5 for PC system requirements may change.

to activate the game on new hardware

To install GTA 5 and the launch of GTA Online for PC you need to connect to the Internet, log on the resource Rockstar Games Social Club, periodically provide rights to software verification.

In addition to the game itself, you will need to install Chromium, DirectX, a means of ensuring authentication and other software that will be required for correct operation of the GTA. The full list published on the official pages of Rockstar Games.

After you install GTA 5 on PC you will need to activate the game using the license key. After entering, it is associated with a user account in a Social Club and can only be used by one person. The right of use acquired by the key transmission to other persons not subject.

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