GTA 5 fan-videos

GTA 5 Fun-videos
In this edition of our GTA 5 videos digest you will see some amazing video, amazing in both the ideas and the implementation. How about a real dokumentalny a film about the wildlife, fully made on the game engine of GTA 5? Or an amazing mastery of the motorcycle and sticky bombs, looking at which you'll immediately want to run the game and do the same! And that's not all!

Wonderful video "Onto The Land", which is a continuation of the previous work of the authors [url="" title=""Into The Deep""]"Into The Deep"[/url], will tell us about the life of a majestic wild creatures that make up the ecosystem of the County of Los Santos and Blaine County.

Unsatisfied by easy escape from the pursuing police, the master of motorcycle driving, Sailisburymistake decided to demonstrate something new and started to destroy his pursuers with the help of spectacular throws sticky bombs. Watch and learn, you will have something to amuse yourself next time when you will link the three stars chase.

Lively music and beautiful camera work can't hide the devastation that Berdu and his pals Rambonaama and ThatLexGuy cause as they follow their marathon route across Los Santos and blaine County in this beautiful Sunny day.

Expected by many, third appearance on our monitors The Stunt Lads Show by Hat Films, may be, perhaps, the most ridiculous of all. Behind this team already has a couple of tricks with motorcycles and swimming pool, plus a bit of extreme golfing, and now they decided to try to make a couple of mind-blowing tricks on machines in dangerous proximity to the dam and, of course, with a very predictable result.

This is a fan-made remake of the official release trailer of GTA 5 for PS4, XBOX One and PC attracts the attention by chaos, and abundance of each frame.

The author of this video, Merfish, meticulously restored the Intro of the TV series Friends, GTA 5, adding such friends in the story mode, GTA 5 characters, Franklin, Amanda, Trevor and Lester.

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