Funny video compilation from the developers

Funny videos
The developers have decided to please the gaming community with a great selection of fun videos pertaining to the GTA Online Lowriders: classic custom update. There are some awesome gameplay of the brand new Adversary Mode Sumo and new update's content in all its glory!

Check out this fresh video with a selection of the coolest gameplay moments of the new Adversary Mode Sumo authored by another group of popular YouTubers. In addition to the Sumo Adversary Mode, they'll play Destroy Last Place Race, driving around in brand new cars from the GTA Online Lowriders: Custom Classics update as well as in other Adversary Modes. Feel free to click on Play, it'll be fun!

Waving Donks
The community of /r/GTAV_Cruises subreddit decided to celebrate the release of the Lowriders: Custom Classics update by lining up their Custom Faction Donk in a nice smooth row, in the middle of the Los Santos Storm Drain, and performing the synchronous wave. Good hydraulics work, creative thinking and perfect timing is the secret of their success!

A popular YouTuber KYR SP33DY and his crew participate in a brutal match in Sumo Adversary Mode, with very predictable results. They'd definitely found how to properly use a cheats for GTA 5.

A bunch of popularo YouTubers, namely: Kwebbelkop, Jelly and Slogoman, decided to do a joint video and try out the new items of the last update. As usual in their videos, you will find plenty of fun and a lot of GTA Online.

Creative team Hat Films and their good friend Sips play Sumo mode, and along the way discussing the advantages and suitability of Panto in this mode, eventually turning into a loud impromptu choir singing when the degree of hysteria caused by a new gameplay mode, reaches a peak.

Hope you had a good laugh, and even have found a new channell to subscribe on YouTube.

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