Russian brought to life the art object from GTA

A resident of Russia embodied seen in GTA 5 installation in real life
A resident of Russia moved the art object from GTA 5 in real life

The Russian admired the installation in GTA 5 and embody it in real life

Many of the people we used to hear that video games – a lot of adolescents, and that, as they grow older, a person should find other things more, so to say, "adults." Often, these people do not understand what nonsense they are. Ivan Belkin, a resident of Volgograd – is not shared by the majority opinion. He believes that modern computer games are not only works of art but also a very profitable business. The business, which from year to year draws into its ranks the most talented designers, programmers and writers.

Ivan Belkin from Russia made the installation of GTA 5
Ivan is a fan of the game series GTA. According to him, GTA 5 he liked not only the plot, but exploring the game world. Ivan published a post on Peekaboo, in which he spoke about how he spent hours running around blaine County, studying the architecture in the game. Once the virtual house of his friend, he stumbled upon an unusual installation, which hung on the wall. Making screenshots, Ivan decided to turn it into real life. And, as you can see, he did it. The art object took our hero 15-18 hours.

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