GTA Online is unlocked airship

GTA news Online
[center[New radio wave, airship, gifts t-shirts, etc. in GTA Online[/center]

The Duo Tale of Us, the new radio station, Enus Stafford and the airship is already in GTA Online

The land is rife with rumors: time to bring the hype the Duo Tale of Us don't mind to play at your venue! Recently, famous musicians presented their new album Afterlight, the composition of which will shortly be available for inspection at the LSUR, Apple Music, Spotify and other services.

Tale of Us in GTA Online
In the vastness of Los Santos began broadcasting a new radio station – Radio Los Santos Underground. DJ Solomun has already prepared for you some cool tracks and in the next couple weeks you will hear of creation and other musicians.

This week was unlocked Enus Stafford – refined car for connoisseurs of the classics and the airship is just a big flying pillow, which can be used for advertising purposes.

Enus Stafford in GTA Online
Also this week, Rockstar is handing out gifts (as always, a variety of t-shirts and GTA$) and arrange for the sale of in-game real estate.

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