GTA 5 simple trainer by ioritree

Trainer GTA 5 for Xbox360 (XDK/JTAG/RGH). Some TU poddreživaûtsâ not/are not fully supported.

page: Back 1 + D-pad up
(1) the infinite health.
(2) KO with one blow.
(3) infinite ammo.
(4) the infinite special ability.
(5) an infinite body armor (the jacket).
(6) No level of tracing.
(7) Maximum wanted level.
(8) the most money.
(9) a quick teleport.

Page 2: Back + D-pad right
(1) changing time (D-Pad up, D-pad 08:00 left 18:00, D-Pad right 23:00).
(2) a change in the weather (the D-pad to the left select the type, the D-pad to the right level).
(3) infinite health.
(4) the instant destruction of the machine.

Please note:
Archive «ioritree's trainer» contains the files trainer, that's exactly what you should use.
If the trainer does not work/works partially:
- If you TU7 try to use the files from archive «ioritree's trainer TU7»
- If you TU4 (and there is a likelihood that it will help to TU2 and TU3) try to use files trainers from the archive «ioritree's trainer TU4 (mb TU2 and TU3)»

1. place the files "trl01.xex" and "tr01.xex" from the archive on the Xbox360 (in any folder).
2. run the "trl01.xex" file (100 KB).
3. If the default.xex "will not be found, just start the game.
4. once the game has loaded press BACK + UP to display the cheat menu in the start menu or from the main menu.
5. Enter the cheat (s) and press START to activate cheats before the "continue game" or "new game".
123 = include 123
2348 2348 = enable
11223344 = turn off 1234
1357226644 = enable and disable 1357 264 at the same time

Author ioritree パガ大神 Sammy
Gaming platform Xbox 360

 Views: 33.2k
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 Downloads: 3.4k

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