Simple Jobs [.NET] 1.1.5 Hotfix

Simple Jobs [.NET] 1.1.5 Hotfix - this is a script that allows the player to make your character in GTA 5 to work. Choose from seven professions, the player chooses one that he likes.
As in real life, the hero of the game in the process can fire or promote. The first can happen in that case, if he regularly is late for work or misses work days. Second - if the work is done in large quantities and without any errors. In addition, dismissal from the last job more difficult in the future, the employment process and pass the interview will not allow you to apply for the same vacancy within a few days.
To get detailed information about any work you must press "J".

To download free Simple Jobs [.NET] 1.1.5 Hotfix for GTA 5 just follow the link at the bottom of this page.

Script Hook V required Script Hook V
Script Hook V .NET required Script Hook V .NET

 Views: 6.6k
Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/60)
 Downloads: 1.2k

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