Scorcher from GTA 5

Scorcher from GTA 5
Scorcher is a sport mountain bicycle without a rear suspension (hardtail).

Though the bicycle named "Scorcher" made it's first appearance in the fifth part of the Grand Theft Auto series, there was before a similar bicycle named "Mountain Bike", which figured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It is worth mentioning that on the website it is said, that there are a lot of places worth riding Scorcher near city of San Andreas (perhaps a hint towards the previous part of the series). In GTA 5 framework of the bicycle is painted in dark green, and everything else has a blac paint job.

Scorcher from GTA 5 - front view Scorcher from GTA 5 - side view Scorcher from GTA 5 - view from behind
The mountain bicycle Scorcher is slower that it's racing analogues, it outruns BMX and Cruiser, however. The strong sides of Scorcher is it's acceleration, and, what's the most important, it's cohesion with ground, as they both are the best in it's class. It all lets it to deal without a problem with non-flat, curvy surfaces. You can find Scorcher in the area nearby Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, Palet Forest, nea Michael's Mansion, in Mr. Spoke Bike Rental, and it also can be bought on the website for $2000.

The prototype of Scorcher in the real world is Saracen Zen.

GTA 5 Scorcher characteristics

Speed 55 km/h
Mass 115 kg
Capacity 1 passanger
Damage in the collision 50%
Damage during the deformation of the body 80%
Damaging small arms 100%
The purchase price in GTA Online $2000
The price of legal sale
The illegal sale price

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