For the first time motorcycle Pegassi Bati 801 made it's appearance in the addon to the fourth part of Grand Theft Auto series - The Lost and Damned, however it had a bit different name there - Pegassi Bati 800, yet, when comparing designs of Bati 800 from the Lost and Damned and of Bati 801 from GTA 5 it is hard to notice any differences. The paintjob of the motorbike Pegassi Bati 801 in the fifth part of GTA consists of full red colour with "Bati 801" and "Pegassi" insignias, writtein with white letters.
There is a more "sportier" variant of the Pegassi Bati 801 motoribke, named Pegassi Bati 801RR, which is designed for races. It is not different by it's characteristics, but it has a different paint scheme, it has different logos of different in-game companies.
Pegassi Bati 801 is the fastest acceleration motorbike, and the vehicle, in the game. In a split second it will achieve it's top speed, which is, by they way, is also very decent. The amazing acceleration combined with a good manoeuvrability results in the motorbike being able to accelerate even when doing a rather rough turns, which makes it a perfect choice for racing on curvy tracks with lots of sharp corners. You can buy Pegassi Bati 801 for just $9000 on the website, which is rather generous for a one of the best motorbikes in the game.
The prototype of Pegassi Bati 801 in the real world is Buell XB21S, Double T.
GTA 5 Pegassi Bati 801 characteristics
Speed | 150 km/h |
Mass | 230 kg |
Capacity | 2 passangers |
Engine | gasoline |
Damage in the collision | 50% |
Damage during the deformation of the body | 80% |
Damaging small arms | 100% |
Damaging engine | 150% |
The purchase price in GTA Online | $15000 |
The price of legal sale | $9000 |
The illegal sale price | — |