This black iron monster strikes fear in the police and hostile bandits already one of its kind, and is able Iguchi to withstand the barrage of fire from any small arms, and the driver inside, not even scratch.
Duke O'Death, just like its predecessor, is equipped tonirovannym V8 engine of enormous power, capable of producing enormous torque and greater maximum speed. Machine has improved the dynamics of acceleration and better retains the speed, though, still has tight control and the propensity to enter into an uncontrollable skid at high speeds. Another weak point of the car is the braking system, but this deficiency is easily remedied by modifications available in Los Santos Customs.
Duke O'Death has great strength. Thick armor, which on all sides is covered with a machine I hardly pay attention to fire rifles or machine guns, besides, a weighted version of Dukes playfully spreads patrol cars and even vans of SWAT, on the trouble that fell his way. Damage resulting from collisions and bullets is minimal, it is possible to confidently say that the Duke O'Death has the best durability in its class. The skillful use of the special ability of Franklin, along with punching power flying at full speed Duke O'Death, will allow you to use this machine as a managed Tarana, no worse than any heavy truck. Indeed, it is a machine with a telling name. However, don't think you're immortal: Duke O'Death can be destroyed by a bomb, a missile or shot from a tank gun.
To get this car have to do a small mission: Duke O'Death is located in a small Parking lot, not far to the southwest of the airfield Trevor in the desert Grand Senor. Once you sit in it, a group of razorenih "Reznikov" in two trucks and three jeeps. Your task is to pretend to be Mad max and destroy them all, in a mad chase across the desert. After that 2 Duke O'Death will appear on the map: one in a car junkyard in the Highlands of El burro, second in the Eastern town once Harmony in the desert Grand Senor.
Features Duke O'Death in GTA 5
Speed | 217 kmph (135 mph) |
Weight | 2000 kg |
Capacity | 2 passengers |
Engine | petrol |
Damage in the collision | 100% |
Damage during the deformation of the body | 80% |
Damaging small arms | 100% |
Damaging the engine | 150% |
The purchase price in GTA Online | - |
The price of legal sale | - |
The illegal sale price | - |