Imponte Ruiner Rusty from GTA Online

Imponte Ruiner Rusty from GTA Online
Imponte Ruiner Rusty – warped version of the Ruiner 2000, is present in the update for GTA Online "Import/Export".

This model is available only as fragments, we encountered during the mission Breakdown Recovery. What is this car, or rather its remains? It is utterly rusted, once quite an attractive vehicle (which we can verify by looking at the screenshots of actual Ruiner 2000), now at rest immovable on the sidelines of life with no hope of recovery.

Imponte Ruiner Rusty from GTA Online front view Imponte Ruiner Rusty from GTA Online side view Imponte Ruiner Rusty from GTA Online rear view
The name of this model speaks for itself. Rusty turned from the front wheels, the bodywork dented in places, but the interior – just black space closed in itself, which is based on something like the glow of past glory. And, of course, in connection with the foregoing standard description inappropriate here, for some time it's not a car, and its ruins, in some places (drives) gleaming in the sun, with here and there a peep (through the rust) areas not yet subjected to decomposition, reminiscent of times past. The days when the engine purred eagerly anticipating the upcoming race.

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