Boat Trailer from GTA 5

Boat Trailer from GTA 5
Boat Trailer – towed trailer which can be found by us in GTA 5 and GTA Online.

This trailer has a metal frame. Design Boat Trailer can ensure you safe transportation of your vessel, excluding in advance any potential trouble. In the front there is a support wheel. Trailer suitable for the transport of many types of boats, including Squalo and Dinghy, and it can tow the following vehicles:

- Bison, Bison2 & Bison3
- Bobcat XL
- Sadler & Sadler2

Boat Trailer from GTA 5 front view Boat Trailer from GTA 5 side view Boat Trailer from GTA 5 rear view
Boat Trailer can not boast of high durability.

In GTA there is another Boat Trailer, the eponymous counterpart of the considered model, is also intended for transportation of various vessels for travel on water surface, but more of what some boats for fishing. Design, where you will be able to accommodate a decent size boat, painted red, with alternating red-and-white rectangular labels, and secured with a vessel carried by means of rope slings.

Boat Trailer from GTA 5 front view Boat Trailer from GTA 5 side view Boat Trailer from GTA 5 rear view

Characteristics of Boat Trailer from GTA 5

Weight 1200kg
The coefficient of air resistance 10
Water immersion 80%
Damage from a collision 80%
Weapon damage 100%
Damage from the strain 20%
Price 40000$

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