Latest news about GTA updates - fake?

GTA news
Not so long ago, the network has information about upcoming updates in GTA Online, as well as a couple of developments in GTA 6. The source had proven themselves in the past: some of his predictions have come true. According to an insider, his roommate is a former Rockstar employee, so the information is transmitted almost first-hand.

However, it turned out that this is just another speculation, and this information does not bear any credibility. The fact that GTA Online players will again find themselves in liberty city, and the action of GTA 6 will take place in Vice city, is a lie. Proof of this in particular is the statement of no less well-known insider and moderator of the GTA Series Videos channel-Yan2295

"The merged list of changes for GTA Online is not true, nor are all of its publications about GTA."

GTA 6 and GTA Online-there will be no updates

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