Releases GTA for Android: San Andreas

GTA Releases for Android: San Andreas
GTA San Andreas - quality implementation of the game in the action genre, which is well known in the gaming community. It first appeared in 2004 and a year ago was released for mobile platforms Android.

The imagination boggles dynamic game environment that forges players to the rigid framework of the linear story. Users can arbitrarily long time to fool around or to perform tasks criminal authorities. The main character can fully interact with the world: to fight with any secondary character, play gambling games, parachute, or to choose another pastime.

GTA Releases for Android: San Andreas

Key features of GTA SA for Android

The storyline of GTA SA for Android has not undergone any changes, which cannot be said about the graphics. Developers were forced to partially process the graphics engine to adapt the game to the mobile platform. The changes made to the graphics quality has not changed.

The changes also affected control a game character. It mainly focused on the touch screen, but the players got used to connect to your gadgets for more joysticks. Fortunately, various modifications and hardware add-ons allow you to implement this idea.

GTA Releases for Android: San Andreas
Overall, the storyline and performance play GTA SA on mobile devices based on Android preserved. A more detailed review of this port can be explored in the video below.

the Start of sales of GTA SA for Android

The output port of the game on Android refers to global releases, so as to 2013, there was already the possibility to realize enabled digital products via telecommunications technologies. In particular, the game has been sold successfully in the official online store Rockstar and partner resources, not to mention the pirate distribution.

The official release date of GTA SA for Android - December 19, 2013. The age limit from 15+ to 18+", depending on the territorial location of the player. The only incident at the beginning of the realization of the first ports of GTA SA rating "AO" (adults only). This misunderstanding was due to the use of the Hot Coffee modification and detection of erotic content in the game. The extra content was quickly removed from public access with the next update, and appeared no more, the age limit back to the original range.

Today some players called GTA SA for Android "Antiques", and connoisseurs of the genre - "the collection" mobile app, which has maintained its relevance.

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