GAZ 3309
Gaz 3309, also known as the "Lawn", is one of the most popular medium-duty trucks in the former Soviet Union. This is not only affordable, but also highly reliable. GAZ 3309 in many enterprises and special equipment from the chassis, it is successfully used for many years without requiring expensive care. Unlike GAS-3309 from model 3307 is a diesel engine rated at 245-MMW 117 HP most commonly found onboard a truck option, which has flaps and allows you to mount the hood. Carrying capacity of GAS-3309 is 4 tons, and the volume could vary, depending on model. For example, there are versions with elongated chassis, with the increased height of sides, etc. Modern models of GAS-3309 differ from older versions of ABS and gidrousileniâ. In addition, the engine meets the requirements of Euro-3, effective in Russia at the moment.
Extra 1-Diesel pipe
Extra 2-Product booth
Extra 3-garbage truck
Extra 4, sewage
Extra 5-Body repairman
Extra 6-Ballonovoz
Author | Graf-777 |
Brand | ГАЗ |
Model | 3309 |
Car type | Truck |
Type of truck | Box truck |
Drive type | Rear wheels (RWD) |
Color | |
Model to replace | Pony |
Replace model files | pony.dff (5.85mb) pony.txd (0.6mb) |