BRDM-2 winter version

BRDM-2 (Brdm-2wheeled-2) is a further development of the BRDM-1. It was produced from 1963 to 1989 year
Arzamasskim machine-building plant. BRDM-2 has low security, armor protects against small arms bullets and shrapnel.
The main feature of the machine is very high. Except for the basic all-wheel drive chassis with adjustable pressure in tires, in the middle of the
enclosures have special additional retractable wheels that allow, in particular, travel long ditches, trenches.
At present, in varying degrees, is used in the reconnaissance units of the more than 50 countries.

Author s762x39s alkashbutovo
Brand БРДМ
Model 2
Car type Military vehicles
Type of military vehicles Reconnaissance vehicle
Drive type All wheels (AWD)
Model to replace SWAT
Replace model files swatvan.dff (1.36mb)
swatvan.txd (0.75mb)

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