BMW 535i E34 Mafia Style

-High-quality model;
-3D engine;
-Your settings, koliziâ;
-3 Extras 1 painting.

Screenshots: KINOman.

Author BRAT 5-er
Brand BMW
Model 525I
Car type Passenger car
Car body style Sedan
Drive type All wheels (AWD)
Model to replace Sentinel
Contains a painting jobs
Number of paintjobs 1
Contains the extras
Adaptation to High Quality Lights Mod (HQLM)
HQLM version High Quality Lights Mod v2.0 - HQLM v 2.0
Replace model files sentinel.dff (6.56mb)
sentinel.txd (1.41mb)
sentinel1.txd (0mb)

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 Downloads: 5.5k

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