Dozuda.s Primary Tank (Rhino Export tp.)

Significantly altered Rhino.
Serves for export to the Empire Dozuda

C Cattenom I lost - so I announce Bat.Chat 25t. But the model will be soon.
Description write the second time, please forgive the lack of features and bugs
The last screenshot shows the "completeness" of the model. This you will not see, without using third party software to edit the model.

The model, first of all, was created for me and modelers, ready to use my tank based her.

Author Sega00709
Brand Rhino
Model tp.Export-1
Car type Military vehicles
Type of military vehicles Tank
Drive type All wheels (AWD)
Model to replace Rhino
Replace model files rhino.dff (0.16mb)
rhino.txd (0.04mb)

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