Ikarus 260.27

Suburban modification of Ikarus 260, its production and export in the USSR started in 1981. The bus was not the average door, two others were not sash, and swinging. The number of seats was increased to 40 due to the absence of the Middle doors and four-lane seat installation. The shape of the seats also was slightly changed. Ikarus-260.27 came in the USSR until 1988.

Ikarus 260 model authors: Lexan, DENIS, serega
The author of the global refining and conversion into 260.27: Harkus (Ikar)

Author Lexan Денис Razor serega Harkus (Ikar)
Brand Икарус
Model 260.27
Car type Bus
Car body style Bus
Drive type Rear wheels (RWD)
Model to replace Packer
Replace model files packer.dff (10.32mb)
packer.txd (4.07mb)

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