Cars for GTA San Andreas 0 Capuchin Guntruck (M54) from Mercenaries 2: Worl 0 Ural Typhoon Style Urga Fura 570 from Just Cause 0 KamAZ - 5350 Mustang of the Armed Forces of Ukra 0 DAC 665 Army Missile Truck 0 Ural - 43206 Military ambulance AS-43 0 Ural - 4320 APU 0 KrAZ 6322 APU 0 Ural 5557 APU 0 KrAZ 6322010 MLRS Verba 0 DAC Armata [Fixed] 0 KAMAZ 5350 0 Mercedes Benz Actros MP4 6x6 0 GMC CCKW 1945 Military Truck 0 Ural 375 BM-21 Peruvian Army 0 Barracks GTA LCS 0 Cargo Truck UNSC 0 FAP 2026 [Serbian Military Truck] 0 MTL Barracks Semi Sa Style 0 MTL Barracks OL with Badges & Extras 0 Mammoth Patriot Military With Badges & Extras 0 GTA V Bravado Half-Track SA Style 0 Isuzu Truck (Army)