Simple and Practical Ammu-Nation

MOD Simple and Practical Ammu-Nation for GTA San Andreas. With this mod, you can easily buy a gun without going into the Ammu-Nation building.

The list of weapons and codes:
1. 9mm / Colt 45 - "BUY9MM" ($200);
2. Silenced Pistol - "BUYS9MM" ($600);
3. Desert Eagle - "BUYDEAGLE" ($1200);
4. Shotgun - "BUYSHOTG" ($600);
5. Sawn-Off - "BUYSAWNO" ($800);
6. Combat - "BUYSPAS" ($1000);
7. Tec 9 - "BUYTEC9" ($300);
8. Micro Uzi - "BUYMUZI" ($500);
9. MP5- "BUYMP5" ($2000);
10. AK47 - "BUYAK47" ($3000);
11. M4 - "BUYM4" ($4000);
12. Country Sniper - "BUYCSNIPE" ($1000);
13. Sniper Rifle - "BUYSNIPE" ($4500);
14. Flame Thrower - "BUYFLAMET" ($8500);
15. Rocket Launcher / RPG - "BUYROCKETL" ($9000);
16. Heat Seeker Rocket Launcher - "BUYHSROCKET" ($10000);
17. Minigun - "BUYMINIG" ($10000);
18. Grenade - "BUYGRENAD" ($300);
19. Molotov - "BUYMOLOT" ($350);
20. Satchel Charge - "BUYSATCH" ($1500);
21. Armour - "BUYARMOR" ($200);
22. Knife - "BUYKNIF" ($50);
23. Katana - "BUYKATAN" ($150).

To download Simple and Practical Ammu-Nation for GTA San Andreas, use the links at the bottom of the page. You can use our automatic installer or install the mod manually.

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