Remote lock car v3.6

Mod allows you to remotely control various devices in the car, and the car itself. You must either is in the car, or sit down and leave it.

-Driving without driver-num8, num4, num6, num5;
-Close the door-O;
-Page Up/Down/Mute-Wind;
-Turn off the radio-X;
-K-enable/disable migalku (only works in the police car);
-Open: trunk/hood "," the right front door "' +" ("+"), left front; "+" ("+"), right back "-" ' "(" e "), the left rear";-"("-").

CLEO version CLEO 4

 Views: 42.5k
Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/63)
 Downloads: 19.9k

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