Many CJ

For sure some experienced such Gluck in the game when the error appeared 2 player synchronously perform the command. So here is the script allows you to manage two, three or even 7 sidžeâmi at the same time, without a glitch! You can create up to 7 players. Have fun!

During the game press Ctrl + N, and a new CJ. You can create a sidžeev 7, remove them unfortunately cannot, as I do not advise to remain with them. When you exit the game, you may receive an error message (infinite black screen), press Enter and the game closes.

Author Шевцов Владислав V-Driver
CLEO version CLEO 4

 Views: 9.8k
Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/60)
 Downloads: 2.4k

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