CLEO 4.3.16

The new version of the library СLEO 4.3.16 for GTA San Andreas. Library CLEO 4 distributed in the form of automatic installer. To install the library, run the installer and follow the instructions.

СLEO 4.3.16 adds a game more than 100 new scripting commands that allow you to work with external files, modify the data in memory games, call's functions with different parameters, and much more. In the fourth version, new commands for working with sounds, strings, added the ability to display text on the screen without the use of external files (.gxt, .fxt).

Library CLEO is constantly improved and expanded over time. In very rare cases some scripts written for CLEO 3, may not work with CLEO 4. Starting with version CLEO 4.3, you can include a special compatibility mode for scripts CLEO 3. To do this, change the file extension of the script (usually '.cs') '.cs3'. CLEO 4.3 will work on these scripts in a special mode, which includes changing the behaviour of some script commands. At the same time in most cases scripts CLEO 3 working with library СLEO 4.3.16 without any problems, and the use compatibility mode is not required.

СLEO 4.3.16 supports three versions of the game GTA San Andreas: 1.0, 1.01, 3.0 (STEAM version of GTA San Andreas).

Complete with CLEO is set ASI Loader. ASI Loader is a program that automatically downloads files with the extension .asi when starting the game. ASI Loader replaces one of the original game files 'vorbisFile.dll' your own, so make sure you make a copy of this file.

Download the library СLEO v. 4.3.16 you can automatically install on any of the links below on the page.

Author Seemann Deji Alien

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